Assembling the perfect team takes time. We view it like putting together a really complex jigsaw puzzle. We want every piece of the puzzle to be the best fit for the overall completed picture. We've spent years honing and putting together a team of bookkeepers and accountants that work well with our way of doing things. Education is key to that fit. So is compassion. Bookkeeping is one of the few professions that require no oversight, degrees, or certificates to practice. Yet, it's one that really needs its practitioners to be and educated and knowledgeable as possible. Everyone on our team has been specifically trained and certified, or hold college degrees in the fields of accounting and financial management. Your business needs that expert touch, and our team can provide that.

Sharon Batten
Bradford Batten
Fat Guy/Operations Manager
Alan Moore
Senior Bookkeeper
Kelly Landrum
Krissy Schaberg
Alyssa Koprek